Yours Truly 2016 / Cascadia College / Bothell, WA | Page 87

She deleted her Netflix profile. Nine months into dating she convinced me to try it. I got two screens so that she could watch Dr. Who and I could watch Sherlock. So that I could watch Dexter and she could watch Gilmore Girls. So that she could watch comedies and I could watch horrors. She dumped me a couple months ago, and I’m noticing now, Maybe she was right when she said I don’t see the big things. I didn’t see the hours on the phone turn into minutes. I didn’t see the nighttime Skype call suspiciously dropped. I didn’t see the “We need to talk” text as scary. Because comedies taught me that life isn’t always fair. Life isn’t always going to be logical. The underdog can win, The klutz can get the girl, And sometimes the too-perfect dumb endings will make you wanna hurl. And sometimes, They’re what you want. Ian Phillips Horror movies desensitized me to violence With gory pics in horrible flicks Taking over my weekday nights. In the hours between homework and sleep Fear could start near me, a slow creep, Dispelled by a beam of light, lance belonging to a paladin knight. Keeping the dark at bay with my flashlight. And she was a light to me Because I didn’t see the big things. But I saw the genuine smile in her Snapchat story. I saw the life in her eyes over Skype when she talked about a project. I saw her there next to me when I woke up in the night crying, Because whose idea was it to put the kid who hates new situatons On a train to Oregon? Friends… “We can still be friends.” She deleted her Netflix profile, We don’t talk or text, She’s not a favorite on Skype, My email is empty, She changed her Tumblr, I can’t mail a letter, And her relationship status is “Single.” But. We’re still Facebook Friends… 85