YourHWK Debates March 2014 | Page 2

About HWK Debates C OMPETITION “inspiring our future generation” HWK Debates is a non-profit debating society intent on providing many services to young people in London. The society will form partnerships with local school youth clubs and businesses in order to meet the needs of youths. HWK Debates’s goal is to foster is in direct response to the growa commitment to young people ing number of young people that that will promote pro-social are in the community. friendships, The goal of the strong interper- “I am pleased to have my society is to identify sonal skills, and current issues name put to HWK Dereassert a sense bates and being part of a youths are facing of hope in the and give them the rapid change in the comfuture. Only opportunity to exmunity” through personpress themselves on HASSAN WAQAR al relationships the issues. can a sense of individual responThe focus is slightly different at sibility be re-established that each level but the goal remains will give youth the commitment the same; empower the young to follow through on path to person to make positive changes adulthood with a sense of pride in his/her life. and accomplishment. HWK Debates is a Society that To be in the chance of winning a £10 Amazon Gift Card write your opinion on voting at 16 in no more then 50 words and submit it to [email protected]. uk by midnight on 01/05/2014 Winners will be announced on 03/05/2014 at 10:00 AM on our Twitter Feed. HWK Debates will focus primarily on young people aged 11-19. It is projected that within three years, 50% of the system’s students will be in secondary school. HWK Debates’s society will hold regular debates and give youths the opportunity to ensure to express the issues. Apart from debating, we will encourage professional development and the development of the skills that young people need to progress in to workplace or higher education and skills that are most valued. Over time, HWK Debates will create a learning environment that will be an invaluable resource to young people, aspiring leaders and the community at large. To view HWK Debates Strategic Development Plan please email [email protected] 2