You're Amazing (Winter/Spring 2016) (Winter/Spring 2016) | Página 2

Thank you! You’ve done something amazing: you’ve supported our brilliant hospitals! Read on to find out how your support has made a massive difference 400 Guy’s and St Thomas’ now has two surgical robots – one funded by donations. This means The num robotic o ber of surgeons will be able to perform more peration s carried our than 150 additional operations a year. How y out ever y s y a e h a t r r by Guy’s ‘Robotic kidney removal has so suppo and St Thom made a many benefits,’ says Ben Challacombe, as’ – the mos ence differ consultant urological surgeon at Guy’s and t in the UK St Thomas’. ‘Rather than having to make a very large cut, we are able to remove the kidney through small keyhole incisions. Using the robot is like having your hands inside the patient without cutting them open.’ 2015 2.4 km run 648 £106 k raised stairs 15 km cycle 242 challengers Look how lovely the Christmas tree in Evelina London looked decorated with fantastic messages – thank you for supporting our Little Stars Appeal! Our promise to you: • We will never sell your data to anyone else or share it without your permission. • If you tell us you don’t want to hear from us again, or want to hear from us less, we will respect that. Thank you so much for your support and all you have done to help patients and their families at Guy’s, St Thomas’ and Evelina London hospitals. This year we’re making Guy’s Urban Challenge even bigger and better! You can run, spin and climb to the top of the world’s tallest hospital building, Guy’s Tower – or take on 2 the climb on its own! And you can raise money for any part of Guy’s, St Thomas’ or Evelina London hospitals. Register your interest at Contact us for more information • Call 020 7848 4701 • Email [email protected] • Visit SupportGSTT @SupportGSTT SupportEvelina @SupportEvelina 3