You're Amazing (Summer/Autumn 2017) | Page 7

Food ffect allergies a 8% of children under 5 allergies ? An end to Evelina London provides specialist care to children who suffer with allergies, and carries out research into allergy prevention. In one of our clinical trials, young children who are allergic to peanuts are fed small but increasing amounts of peanuts in the hope that their Cleo Store bodies will become tolerant to y with mum Kate and Profess or Gideon peanut. Lack Cleo Storey, aged five, is allergic to sesame seeds and peanuts. Mum Kate says: ‘It’s very challenging navigating any social occasion. You’re continually placing your child’s health and safety in the hands of other people who may not fully appreciate the severity of an anaphylactic reaction.’ Cleo’s school, Chepstow House, have raised an amazing £345,265 which will help to fund new Clinical Research Facilities, to meet the growing demand. To raise the money, Friends of Chepstow House recruited four participants – including Headteacher Mrs Angela Barr – to take part in the Evelina London Zip...which required participants to cross the Pean allergy ut River Thames by zip wire. The school have also fundraised affects throughout the year with pledges and a gala dinner which raised £139,070 from auctions and a raffle. in 1 50 childre n We are always looking for more schools like Chepstow House to support Evelina London. We have lots of ideas to support your school every step of the way, such as our Get Colourful dress down day. Find out more at 7