Yourcaddy #5 | Page 62

YOUR GOLF FITNESS | AMPD GOLF Inhibit: Self Myofascial ReleaseAdductors Set Up Lie on back with the hip and knee of one leg flexed to 90 degrees while keeping the other leg straight by pushing down into the ground with the heel of the foot. Grab behind the bent knee with the opposite hand to pull the thigh slightly across the body. Stretch While holding this position, attempt to straighten the knee until a stretch is felt in the outer aspect of the back of the upper leg. Hold the stretch position for at least 30 seconds. Adductor Complex Set Up Stand with the legs wider than shoulder-width apart and both feet pointed straight ahead. Stretch Shift the body to the side by bending one knee while keeping the other leg straight until a stretch is felt in the inner thigh of the straight leg. Rotate the chest and torso toward the bent leg to enhance the stretch. Hold the stretch position for at least 30 seconds. • Activate: Wall Slides & Backward Tube Walking Wall Slides Set Up Assume a side-lying position with the heels, buttocks, shoulders and head against a wall, and the bottom arm extended above the head. Both the bottom hip and knee should be flexed; the top leg should be straight and in neutral hip rotation; with the knee fully extended and toes pulled up toward the shin. Movement While keeping the knee fully extended, toes pulled up toward the shin, and the heel against the wall, raise the top leg up sideways 30-45 degrees. Repeat for the recommended number of repetitions. 62 | YOURCADDY MAG - ISSUE 05