Most definitely! Title insurance is a means of protecting yourself from financial loss in the event that problems develop regarding the rights to ownership of your property. There may be hidden title defects that even the most careful title search will not reveal. In addition to protection from financial loss, title insurance pays the cost of defending against any covered claim.
Any number of problems that remain undisclosed after even the most meticulous search of public records can make a title defective. These hidden "defects" are dangerous indeed because you may not learn of them for many months or years. Yet they could force you to spend substantial sums on a legal defense, and still result in the loss of your property.
The job of searching the public records to identify existing rights and interests is not an easy task. The title searcher or abstracter reviews the public records to find all aspects of title, which can be seen and recognized. From the title search, the title examiner produces an opinion of title, from which the Company will issue its insurance.
There are few titles, if any, that have a perfect history from their source, or root, to the present day. Each transfer of ownership is a "link" in what is referred to as the "chain of title." As each transaction or link takes place, there is a potential for a problem. Even if the entire chain of title appears to be in order, the chain is still subject to interpretation. When searching a title, what we are trying to determine are the various rights and interests that make up each link in the chain as it has passed from one owner to another.
Every title is made up of many different "rights" and "interests" that may be owned by different people. The "owners" of the property own the most valuable of the property's rights and interests, but other people may also have rights to the property, such as easements for utilities or mortgages, etc.
Information courtesy of Old Republic National Title Insurance Company.
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