Your Therapy Source Magazine for Pediatric Therapists | Page 6

Co-Teaching Handwriting The American Journal of Occupational Therapy published research on a handwriting and writing program co-taught by teachers and occupational therapists for first-grade students. The study consisted of 4 classrooms (n = 80) receiving the Write Start co-teaching program, and four (n = 58) receiving regular handwriting and writing instruction. The co-teaching consisted of 2 teachers and 1 occupational therapist for 24-sessions. The sessions included station teaching and individualized supports with a focus on practice in small groups. The coteaching team provided students with frequent feedback, encouraged self-evaluation, and facilitated peer modeling and peer evaluation. The results showed the following: 1. students who participated in the Write Start co-teaching program improved more in handwriting legibility and speed than the group receiving standard instruction. 2. writing fluency and written composition were no different between groups at posttest. 3. although writing fluency was significantly higher for Write Start students at 6-mo follow-up. 4. the students who participated in the Write Start co-teaching program who had low legibility at baseline made significant improvements. Reference: Case-Smith, J et al. Effects of a Classroom-Embedded Occupational Therapist–Teacher Handwriting Program for First-Grade Students. Am J Occup Ther. 2014 Nov-Dec; 68(6): 690–698. Published online Nov-Dec 2014. doi: 10.5014/ajot.2014.011585 Handwriting Stations includes the materials to create a handwriting station on a tri-fold or in a folder. The station includes proper letter formation for capital and lower case letters, correct posture, pencil grip, warm up exercises, letter reversals tips and self check sheet. In addition, there are 27 worksheets for the alphabet and number practice (Handwriting with Tears® style and Zaner-Bloser® style). This download is great for classroom use, therapy sessions or to send home with a student. FIND OUT MO I