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How to Start a Recreational Program for Kids ( Part 2 of 2 )
Once you decide on a topic , ask the administration in your building if this is something you could start . Fill out any paperwork to secure a classroom or gym to hold your sessions . Create some flyers to distribute to see how much interest you have in the program . Once you determine that you will have interest , now figure out how you will pay for it .
How about applying for a grant ? Depending upon your school district , most likely you will not receive compensation for an after school or additional programming . Grant money is available for almost anything imaginable if you look hard enough . Grants have different application deadlines each year and many have already past for this year . Perhaps some of your summer downtime could include preparing to submit a grant application for that special program you have always dreamed of running .
Grant writing takes a lot of preparation , time and energy . It can be an arduous task but with a great end result . Before you apply for a grant , make sure your program meets the requirements for the grant money . Most grants have specific guidelines for you to read prior to submitting your application . You will need to be very specific regarding : the goals of your program , how much money you need , how you will carry out the program and how you measure if it is effective . Keep in mind , most grants require that you submit the grant on behalf of a non profit organization .
If you do apply for a grant but get turned down , do not give up . Perhaps your program idea could be carried out by a group of volunteers . Parents and teachers may be more than willing to volunteer their time . High school and college students frequently need volunteer hours to for honor society membership , religious sacraments and college admissions . You may be able to get a local business to sponsor the activity with a donation in exchange for some advertising on t-shirts . Parents are always signing up their children for dance class , gymnastics , etc perhaps parents would be willing to private pay for an after school , recreational program .
Remember when you start , keep it short with maybe a 3 week program with one session per week and see how it works . If there is decent interest , repeat the program with a second group of children or change the program .
Don ’ t forget to check on insurance coverage for where you meet or ask parents to sign a waiver .
Life Skills of the Month - 12 hand outs and posters to encourage practicing life skills throughout the year provided in Word and pdf format .
Find out more information at : http :// www . yourtherapysource . com / lifeskills . html
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