Your Therapy Source Magazine for Pediatric Therapists July 2016 | Page 31

How cute is this cat’s whiskers busy bag? I happen to find it adorable! Just print out the free download, cut out the kitty’s, laminate and hole punch to indicate where to lace the pipe cleaners. Toss some pipe cleaners cut in half inside the busy bag and it is all set to go. The child can lace the pipe cleaners through the holes to give the cat’s their whiskers. I only used one hole punch to lace the pipe cleaners through but you could do two. I liked the end result better with only one hole punched and lacing all the pipe cleaners through the one hole. If it is difficult for the child, punch the one hole several times to make it larger to fit the pipe cleaners easier. This activity encourages scissors skills, hand strengthening with the hole punching, visual motor skills with the lacing and creativity.