Your Therapy Source Magazine for Pediatric Therapists January 2017 Issue 90 | Page 3



The schedules of pediatric occupational or physical therapists tend to be extremely busy . If you work in the schools , you know how hard it is to complete all the daily tasks , follow your schedule and maintain focus throughout the work day . After work hours , add bringing paperwork home or phone calls to parents and doctors not to mention managing your own home life . With the digital age being in full swing , your attention and focus can be pulled in many different directions affecting overall productivity . Here are 5 tips to help improve your productivity throughout the day as a pediatric therapist :
1 . Start the day with a simple mindfulness practice . Whether it be to take a few deep breaths , pray or meditate for awhile upon waking up take some time to be calm . Don ’ t roll over and grab your phone . 2 . Organize your day efficiently . Your brain is most likely more clear and fresh in the morning . Schedule complex tasks in the morning . Move simple tasks to the afternoon whenever possible . Stay organized throughout the day and maintain a clean work environment ( this one is really difficult for me !). You will be more productive if you are less distracted by a physical or digital mess around you . Try to keep your physical work area clean which would include your therapy bag to carry all your supplies , your car and your paperwork . Also , try to keep your digital work