Your Therapy Source Magazine for Pediatric Therapists April 2016 | Page 10
Delayed Walking with Autism and Intellectual Disability
Pediatrics published a large study on the relationship between delayed walking in children
and the severity of intellectual disability in children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD)
versus other non-ASD diagnoses. The study sample included 1185 individuals (ASD, n =
903; non-ASD, n = 282) who received an evaluation at age 4 to 12 years that included an
estimate of nonverbal IQ (NVIQ) and retrospectively reported age of walking from the Autism
Diagnostic Interview–Revised. Delayed walking was defined as occurring at ≥16 months.
The results indicated the following:
1. children with ASD were less likely to exhibit delayed walking than those with non-ASD
2. rates of delayed walking for ASD was 13%
3. rates of delayed walking for non-ASD was 19%
4. rates of delayed walking in those with NVIQ >85 was 31%
5. rates of delayed walking in children with NVIQ < 70 was 60%
Overall, the difference between the children with ASD and those with non-ASD diagnosis
was larger at lower levels of NVIQ.
The researchers concluded that lower IQ scores were associated with increased rates of late
walking in both ASD and non-ASD groups but children with low IQ were more likely to show
delayed walking in the absence of ASD.
Reference: Somer L. Bishop, Audrey Thurm, Cristan Farmer, Catherine Lord. Autism
Spectrum Disorder, Intellectual Disability, and Delayed Walking. Pediatrics. March 2016,