Your Spiritual Practice March 2015 | Page 13

Are you tired of the typical doomsday interpretation of Revelation?

Are you curious about the symbolism

and what it means for you, today?

Have you moved beyond a literal-only

viewpoint of the Bible, and long for a

21st Century practical message?

This is the book for you!

These are only a few of the many questions answered, as Rev. Dr. Bil Hoton uncovers the secret code of Revelation, in this inspired,

one-of-a-kind interpretation.

Includes over 100 pages of End Notes, sharing bonus information, research, and interpretations used by Rev. Holton, as he created this inspired verse-by-verse interpretation of Revelation.

This divinely inspired and deeply researched treatment of Revelation differs radically from the externally-focused versions you've seen. It examines the allegorical, metaphysical, and symbolic implications of the Book of Revelation and places the entire context of the symbolism as traits, qualities, characteristics, and physical aspects within us!

Rev.Dr. Bil Holton:

• 21st Century Meta-

physician and teacher;

• Ordained Unity minister;

• Co-founder of The Global

Center for Spiritual

Practices, an on-line

"Cyber-Home" for those

who are more spiritual

than religious;

• Prolific author;

• Co-host of


Romp II, at


Published by Prosperity Publishing House.

ISBN: 978-1-893095-88-5 • 222 pages, $19.95

soft cover & digital formats.

Click here to read a sample, place an order, and get free bonuses!

Bookstore & Multiple Copy Discounts available

Would you like to know:

What the seven churches represent within us?

• Who the 144,000 are who will be saved?

• The true identity and meaning of the four horsemen

of the Apocalypse?

• What the seven lampstands represent?

• Who the 'Son of Man' is, whose eyes were like fire, feet

like bronze, and voice like rushing water?

• The meaning of the seven bowls of wrath and the

seven plagues poured out by the angels?

• How Satan is bound for 1,000 years?