Your Smile is Beatiful A Guide To Restore Your Smile | Page 7
Dental Bridge Procedure
• The process of fixing a dental bridge in there may be long as it
would take several surgical sessions to cover up multiple gaps in the
teeth. Usually, dentists cover a gap at a time and wait for it to fuse
well with other teeth before moving on to the next. Like other
surgical procedures, a sedative is used on the gum to make it
insensitive and numb so that no pain is felt by the patient in the
process of reshaping the teeth to fit snugly with the crown that
would hold the dental bridge.
• For the dental bridge to fit in well into the gap, it should take the
exact shape of the missing teeth. to this end, it essential that the
dentist takes a cast of the shape formed by the gap and other teeth
around the arc, the cast serves as a template for the lab to produce a
dental bridge that exactly fits into the gap and rhymes with the teeth
arrangement around the arc. However, while the dental bridge is
processed at the laboratory, the dentist would give you a temporary
one that equally covers the gap.