Your New Years Weight Loss Resolution™ by JayKay Bak PDF EBook JayKay Bak Your New Years Weight Loss Resolution | Page 46
January the 22 nd your weight will now be 214 pounds
January the 29 th you will now weigh 212 pounds
See what I mean? It’s more realistic to break your overall goal into
achievable little bite sizes so that you can see your progress and
where you are headed. You appreciate that these little mini
achievements add up to a your overall goal.
Doing it this way makes it doable and removes the pressure from
having to lose 100 pounds now like most of those fad diets would have
you believe.
You set yourself up for failure when you see you’ve only lost 2 pounds
in your first week because you have that huge monumental goal in
mind, never mind the fact that weight loss is just a collective of little
weight loss successes that form the overall bigger picture.
Knowing that massive success with weight loss comes in little steps as
you will know that with each pound you lose.
If you half kill yourself with punishing calorie restriction and excess
exercise and find yourself losing over 5 pounds per week, just
remember that most of that weight will be water and some desperately
needed lean muscle tissue. That means that all of it will return almost
overnight. So stick with a realistic, healthy, permanent 1 to 2 pound
per week weight loss.
Watching What You Eat – Keeping Tabs On Those Calories
What Exactly Is a Calorie?
Before we start what exactly are calories? You hear that word touted
around loosely on so many diets but what exactly are calories and why
is important that you keep track of them?