Your New Years Weight Loss Resolution™ by JayKay Bak PDF EBook JayKay Bak Your New Years Weight Loss Resolution | Page 32

Just remember, do not eliminate all fats from your diet, not all fats are bad for you. We need a certain amount of good fats in our daily diet for our bodies to function at their peak. Be mindful this is still a diet nonetheless and you still have to exercise restraint over yourself when selecting foods. This diet is not as restrictive as those calorie counting ones yet you still may be tempted to cheat. If you are to go on this type of diet the control has to come from you rather than from a strict eating plan that does the meal plan for you. What it comes down to as with anything in life, we have to be self governing and exercise commitment to our goals. Nobody can make you lose the weight or lose the weight for you. You have to want to lose the weight and stick to it until you do. Popular Programs Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig The reason why these diets are so popular and have stood the test of time is because they offer support to their clients. Losing weight is not always easy and to have the support of others increases the likelihood of staying on the program in the long run. That emotional support keeps you going longer. The success of these programs not only comes from their support but in the case of Jenny Craig they promote portion controlled meals with reduced fat and sugar content. You can basically eat your favorites but just to watch how much you eat. A more realistic way to eat that is in alignment with how you would probably eat in the real world. Weight Watchers rely upon a points system. Each day you get a certain number of points to consume and each food is worth a certain number of points. You can trade points for example if you want to have dessert you can trade that for your one of your meals instead so that you can have your cake and eat it too without blowing your calories for the day. 30