Your New Years Weight Loss Resolution™ by JayKay Bak PDF EBook JayKay Bak Your New Years Weight Loss Resolution | Page 29
Low Carbohydrate Diets – Why They Are Bad For You
Your body being the master design of efficiency that it is will always
turn food whether it be a teaspoon of honey or a wedge of orange into
sugar. The body needs to convert it to this form so that can be burned
as fuel so that we can get on with the business of living.
What diets that are low in carbohydrates do is they severely limit your
carbohydrate intake so that your body has an absence of sugar to burn
so instead of burning sugar, it burns fat.
Embarking on extreme diets like these will see a drop in weight but
you may not want to live without your favorite foods for the long haul.
That is what makes it difficult to stick to these types of diets.
Eliminating carbohydrates restricts the vitamins and minerals you get
from that food group such as from brown rice, whole wheat’s, whole
grains, beans, pastas, vegetables, etc. These are carbohydrates that
are good for you and give a slow release of sugar into the bloodstream
which keeps your energy levels stable. Whole grains that you find in
oatmeal also are beneficial for your health. It is known that the whole
grain found in oatmeal lowers dangerous LDL (low density protein)
cholesterol in your blood.
Unless you love meat and dairy diets like these can lead to a lack of
variety causing dieters to stray.
Diets Low In Fat
Despite what you might think low fat diets aren’t all they’re cracked up
to be. Every human being even if you’re Kate Moss needs a certain
amount of fat in their diet. You need this for your body to function
efficiently. Fat insulates your organs and gives them separation from
other neighboring organs. Fat also coats your nerves cells and