Your New Years Weight Loss Resolution™ by JayKay Bak PDF EBook JayKay Bak Your New Years Weight Loss Resolution | Page 24
6.Reduces your eating to less calories than you can healthily function
7. Goes against sound medical information
8. Is dependent upon certain supplements, diets or products to be
9. Makes over the top, unrealistic claims
10. Lack of scientific proof that it works and why it does
Sound familiar? Most diets you see fall into these categories. They
rely on doing something drastic just to differentiate themselves from
other diets whether that be eliminating entire food groups, eating
certain foods on certain days, eating only one color of food or eating
only one kind of food for days at a time.
Fad diets all have the same thing in common. The solution to weight
loss they offer is only ever temporary a band aid quick fix to a problem
that has been years in the making. Once the diet ceases the lost
weight quickly returns. When this happens it is more often than not,
fluid not fat that was lost in the first place which is why it is gained
back so quickly.
None of these diets are sustainable. You simply cannot survive on
them. The thing that makes you weight is the difficulty of adhering to
such a strict diet in the first place. You go off your food because of the
lack of variety and that is what makes you lose weight, or do you?
Fad diets are extreme ways to drop pounds quickly but the results are
not permanent, you more often lose fluid and muscle than fat so not
only are you not losing the fat you wanted to but you are damaging
your health in the process. Any diet that eliminates entire food groups
is not good for you.
We have a variety of foods to eat for a reason, because we need them
for our nutrients and it is only those foods that can provide them, to
eliminate them means that we can become vitamin deficient. To cut