Your New Years Weight Loss Resolution™ by JayKay Bak PDF EBook JayKay Bak Your New Years Weight Loss Resolution | Page 20

There are things that you can do to lessen the degree of weight gain experienced by taking these types of medications. Try to reduce the amount of calories you consume by identifying them in your current diet. Don’t do anything drastic just eat smaller portions and reduce the amount of carbohydrates you may be consuming, the body needs a balanced diet so don’t be tempted to eliminate carbohydrates completely from your daily eating plan. Make sure that you get plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, lean protein and whole grains. Incorporate more exercise into your life to counteract the effect your medication might be having on your weight. If all else fails, consult your doctor for any alternative medication equivalents without the side effects. The Diets That Lead Us Here Apart from the fact it has the word “die” in it, I don’t much like the word. Diet gives the impression of a temporary solution and with anything temporary it must come to an end. When we reach that end, the old habits and weight come flying back. If you are on a diet you are losing weight for the here and now. If on the other hand you want to lose weight on a more permanent basis this is what I would refer to as a “lifestyle change”. Think long term and permanent change which is what you want to get out of this program as opposed to just wanting to lose weight for the moment. 19