Your New Years Weight Loss Resolution™ by JayKay Bak PDF EBook JayKay Bak Your New Years Weight Loss Resolution | Page 10

Excess weight can impact on self esteem. No one wants to be obese because it has so many negative connotations in our society. Because we believe we are not attractive and appealing to others can make us rethink our own self worth and value. This can lead to social and emotional problems and distort the way we perceive ourselves as well as how we interact with others. This can become a vicious cycle within itself where we eat because of how we feel to medicate the pain yet often end up feeling worse along with gaining even more weight. The cycle continues. Does Your Weight Have Emotional Control Over You? Psychologists are aware of the emotional effect weight can have on self esteem but the remaining medical world is just starting to wake up to this fact. Find out if weight gain has an emotional effect on you. Some brief questions. Are you conscious of your physical appearance when you are out in public? Are you comfortable with looking at yourself in the mirror or do you avoid it? Are you concerned with what others think of your body? Do you feel that the only way you can truly be happy is to change the physical things you don’t like about yourself? If you answered yes to any of the above questions then it’s possible that your weight has an emotional influence over you. Your 10