Your Guide to Newman | Page 24

g bjects

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Think about the subjects that you enjoy the most or are interested in and pick those
Try ranking all of your choices in order of preference , starting with the one you like the most all the way down to your least favourite , this will really help you to focus your choices and prioritise the subjects that you like
Do not just pick subjects that your friends are doing , you may end up in different classes anyway , so will be stuck doing something you don ’ t enjoy without your friend for company !
Don ’ t think of a career and then match the subjects to that career . Careers that sound fun or exciting may involve skills or subjects that you do not enjoy . Find a career that involves skills and subjects that you are good at and will enjoy doing , you will be more successful in life if you enjoy what you do !
If you ’ re looking for inspiration for careers that involved your favourite subjects , check out our Careers on page xx .