Your Guide To Kindergarten Readiness Welcome to Thea Bowman Leadership Academy | Page 4

Say body parts Recognize basic shapes
Learn names of immediate family
Say phone number & address
Visit public places like parks & libraries
Initiate frequent social interaction
Teach acceptable ways to disagree
Play that teaches hand-eye coordination
Encourage work values ( effort , persistence , initiative )
Count from 0-10
Say ( not sing ) the ABC ’ s
Talk positively about school
Encourage physical activity everyday
Establish reasonable limits on behavior
Read to them & discuss the story
Encourage social values ( helpfulness , cooperation , sharing )


Children learn many new skills during the kindergarten experience . Below is a list of activities and tactics that you and your child can work on together to better prepare them for when they start school .
Say body parts Recognize basic shapes
Learn names of immediate family
Say phone number & address
Visit public places like parks & libraries
Initiate frequent social interaction
Teach acceptable ways to disagree
Play that teaches hand-eye coordination
Encourage work values ( effort , persistence , initiative )
Count from 0-10
Say ( not sing ) the ABC ’ s
Talk positively about school
Encourage physical activity everyday
Establish reasonable limits on behavior
Read to them & discuss the story
Encourage social values ( helpfulness , cooperation , sharing )