Your Girlfriends' Guide to Women in Business: The Little Black Book Fall Issue 2016 | Page 22
Identity Magazine
[email protected]
I’m an entrepreneur, author, speaker, and an identity energizer:
I’ve been nurturing women since 2006 and a mission to provide
women with opportunities to discover their vast powers of selfacceptance, appreciation and achievement.
As Founder of Identity Magazine (, I continue to spread my
inspirational messages worldwide via workshops, conferences, radio, TV and through
digital and print channels, including my 2011 Identity Magbook and 2016 Amazon
Bestseller, Get All A’s in the Game of Life: Entrepreneur Edition. You can find my articles
and tips cited online in The Huffington Post, EmpowHER, BlogHer and Yahoo Shine;
as well as in books and magazines published by Harper Collins, Bright Street Books,
Reinvention Press, and Open Door Publications.
I aspire to fully embody the notions of the modern-day woman that I advocate for all
women. I successfully juggle and enjoy entrepreneurial life with the loving support of
my husband and twin toddlers in The Poconos, PA.
Favorite Quote: “Achieve at your pace, and you will win the race.”
~Susan Vernicek
Author, Speaker
Founder, LOVE by Sarah Walton
I help women start their own businesses, pivot
the businesses they already have, design
financial plans, profit plans and real solutions
to entrepreneur-life balance. My specialty is
working with women directly on our relationship
to money and designing a new relationship that
fosters growth, expression and freedom.
Favorite Quote: ”The truth shall set you free. But first it will piss you off.”
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