Jigsaw: Putting the pieces back together
Jigsaw Galway is a free and confidential support Open Hours: service for young people’s mental health and Mon - Thur 12:00 wellbeing in Galway city and county. We should 18:00 feel very lucky to have such a unique resource Fri: 12:00 – 17:00 available to our young people. Jigsaw interacts on a Sat: 10:30 - 15:00 personal level with people aged 15- 25 and even includes them in daily decisions about the projects. They operate with the use of a ‘Youth Advisory Panel,’ a fantastic tool to keep in touch with the very people they aim to reach out to. “Jigsaw Galway is committed to making sure that young people's voices are heard, and we practise what we preach. Our Youth Advisory Panel (YAP), made up of young people from across the county, works with us to make sure that we develop genuinely youth-friendly services, and that young people are involved in decision-making at every level.” Said Justin McDermott of Jigsaw Galway Any young people that are going through a difficult time are encouraged to drop into Jigsaw on Fairgreen Road where they can talk to and have access to a number of professionals who will listen without judgement to their problems and offer a wide range of solutions. It’s amazing how a big problem can seem so much smaller and manageable when said out loud. “Young people can text, email, call, or drop-in to our centre in the city. They can also go to our website to ask for a call or arrange an appointment. If they can't come to the drop-in centre, we can meet them in a place where they feel comfortable and safe.” Said Justin McDermott of Jigsaw Galway If anyone would like support for their mental health, including their sexuality, they can get in touch. Your sexuality is part of who you are and how you feel; feeling good about your sexuality is an essential part of feeling good about yourself, your mental health and your wellbeing. Book an appointment today and remember don’t delay when it comes to your mental health. Life is too short to be anyone other than you! https://www.facebook.com/jigsawgalway https://www.jigsaw.ie/galway