Your Future, Your Options | Page 24

Tips and tricks during your interview :

Remember you are there because they think you have the right skills and experience and they want to meet you !
Take your time and think about what you ’ ve been asked before answering . Taking a pause to think is not a bad thing and helps you give the best possible answer . Perhaps consider using the STAR technique ( situation , task , action and result ) to help you cover everything .
If you don ’ t understand a question , ask for it to be rephrased or clarified – it is better to ask and get it right than make a mistake .
It ’ s OK to bring notes or a CV in with you – just make sure you use them as a guide and don ’ t read directly from them .
Keep your body language positive . Make sure you give lots of examples and explain your examples in full .
Speak to your careers department for further information and support or visit sunoutreach . org / flying-start