Your Future, Your Choice | Page 9

Higher and Degree Apprenticeships

Higher Apprenticeships are Level 4 and 5 qualifications . Degree Apprenticeships provide you with an opportunity to gain a full degree but without tuition fees .
Designed in partnership with employers , part-time study takes place at a university or college , with the rest of your time being with your employer .

Quick facts

Higher Apprenticeships take one to five years to complete .
Degree Apprenticeships take three to six years to complete , depending on what level you are doing .
As a Higher / Degree Apprentice you would be employed and paid a wage throughout the course .
As a Degree Apprentice you are very likely to stay working with your employer after completing your apprenticeship .
As a Higher Apprentice you could go on to study a degree apprenticeship , university course or continue working with your employer .
Many Degree Apprenticeships are advertised on the National Apprenticeship website : www . gov . uk / apply-apprenticeship


You can also find details of Degree Apprenticeships on the UCAS Career Finder website : careerfinder . ucas . com / jobs / apprenticeship / or speak to your careers department .