Your Future, Your Choice | Page 15


Including Supported Employment

You may choose to work full-time or part-time hours instead of continuing onto higher education . The hours you work will usually be in the job advert or would be discussed when you apply for the job .
You may wish to think about the hours you work and how this will fit in with your personal circumstances . Make sure you are looking after your wellbeing when thinking of how many hours you wish to work .
Some employers may have set entry requirements such as previous experience related to the job role and / or particular qualifications and skills .
Some employers will offer you on-the-job training which is a great way to increase your skills and knowledge .
There are lots of ways to find a job . These include speaking to friends and family , registering with a recruitment agency , targeting employers with your CV and a covering letter , looking on employer websites for job available and using social media .
If you have a SEND Personal Adviser , they should be able to provide information on employment training schemes in the local area , as well as any courses provided by local colleges which have work-based training built in .
Speak to your careers department for further information .


Employers must pay you at least the National Minimum Wage .