Additional Financial Support
There is a lot of financial support you might be able to access to help you at university such as student loans , maintenance loan , bursaries and scholarships .
If you feel you would like or need any reasonable adjustments whilst at university , you can contact the university before you arrive to discuss your support options . This may include flexible seminar times , access to study skills , or specialist computer equipment .
If you have a learning difficulty , health problem or disability you can visit
www . gov . uk / disabledstudents-allowances-dsas to find out more information on the support available , application and assessment process for DSA , as well as the timescales for applications .
Scan to view the Student Finance England website .
If you are a care leaver , young carer , refugee , or from a low income household you may be able to apply for a bursary . Speak to your careers department or contact a university to check if you are eligible .