Why We Serve
Dr . Eddy Diaz & Mrs . Neia Diaz
Dr . Eddy Diaz graduated from Life University in 1995 and has been serving on the Board of Trustees for the past decade . This past July , he renewed another term for three more years . He and his wife , Neia , are firm believers in serving others and do this in many ways . Together , they attend at least three LIFEforce ( LFW )/ LIFE Leadership Weekends ( LLW ) a year , host many Student Recruitment Events ( SRE ) and strive to uphold the mission and passion of Chiropractic .
When Dr . Diaz was about 11 or 12 years old , his father wanted to know what he planned to be when he grew up . His father , who had escaped from Cuba and worked very hard to provide for the family , wanted his two children to understand the importance of education and college . Because of this , Dr . Diaz ’ s father wanted to know from his children what they planned to study and told them that when they got home from school the next day , they were to let him know . Dr . Diaz had no idea what to say , so he visited the school counselor who told him that he was too young to know this yet . Dr . Diaz insisted that his father
Left , Mrs . Neia Diaz . Right , Dr . Eddy Diaz wanted an answer , so she gave him and his sister three large books of every profession that existed . He opened the first book and innately landed on Chiropractic . Even though Dr . Diaz had no idea what that was , he decided then and there , a chiropractor was what he would become . He even spent weekends and summers going around to chiropractic offices to learn all about this profession .
One of Dr . Diaz ’ s biggest honors is to be able to serve the chiropractic profession through his service as a Board of Trustee member at Life U . He has been involved from an international standpoint through his Spanish heritage and living in Puerto Rico , which he said allows him to focus on a global level to recruit students . During Dr . Diaz ’ s tenure on the Board , he has been able to expand Life U ’ s vision with the campus construction of the The Commons and Lyceum Dining Hall while also creating the Chancellor and Provost positions at the University . He is proud of how financially sound the University is doing .
“ It is an honor and a privilege to serve as a Board of Trustee . I feel that my main objective is to represent the principles of Chiropractic to the institution . That has been my real focus on the Board . On the Board , we have diverse personalities and a diverse set of professions . Our common goal is that we love to serve and we love Life U , but we each bring something different to the table . My purpose is on keeping the sacred trust at Life U and keeping the principle of Chiropractic up to date on how the University portrays itself and delivers this properly ,” said Dr . Diaz .
Both Dr . and Mrs . Diaz love to serve through their LIFEforce membership . They love serving through Student Recruitment Events ( SRE ) and feel that they are the foundation to building a strong future of chiropractors . According to the Diaz ’ s , this is a great opportunity to engage with potential new students and continue to create the tribe , which has a common ground with its love of Chiropractic and Life U . Bringing together hundreds of students in one event at LIFE Leadership Weekend ( LLW ) is what stems from local SREs .
“ We were doing LIFEforce before LIFEforce began ,” explained Dr . Diaz . For years , the Diaz ’ s would host events in their office to let potential students learn all about Life U . “ We have a home , and we call that home LIFEforce .”
“ I love when the doctors come back home [ to Life U ] and see their friends and see all these students give them love ,” said Mrs . Diaz .
When asked to share their favorite part of LLW , they both expressed their love for the events that happen on Saturday evening , seeing the culmination of all that has happened over each weekend .
“ Hands down it is the Testimonial Dinner ,” said Dr . Diaz . “ I cry at every single one of them . It doesn ’ t matter how many times I hear testimonials . For me , they always touch really deep inside . I know the transformation that transpires at a moment like this . They become one of us .”
Mrs . Diaz noted the Dessert Party on Saturday night as one of her favorite events . “ All we hear about is how great was the weekend , how excited they are and that they cannot wait to come back and start school with us ,” she explained .
For the Diaz ’ s , their greatest accomplishment as LIFEforce members is the number of students that they have brought to Life U . In fact , they stopped counting the number of students after about 250 .
On why everyone should become a LIFEforce member , Dr . Diaz said , “ It ’ s an opportunity to serve . You will get more than you can ever imagine .”
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