Your Extraordinary LIFE 2022 | Page 22


Board of Trustees

FOR FISCAL YEAR 2022 ( JULY 1 , 2021 – JUNE 30 , 2022 )
Jeffrey Aita , D . C ., Chairman , Board Affairs Committee South Carolina Board of Trustees member Dr . Jeffrey Aita , a 1979 graduate of National College of Chiropractic , has been in practice since 1980 , and is currently practicing and managing a multi-chiropractor office in Bluffton , South Carolina . Dr . Aita is a LIFEforce doctor and member of Life U ’ s President ’ s Circle . He lives an innate driven and vitalistic lifestyle to the extent that two of his children are also chiropractors .
Eddy Diaz , D . C ., Chairman , Executive Compensation Committee Puerto Rico Dr . Eddy Diaz , a 1995 Life University graduate and Board of Trustees member , is a pioneer for the principles of Chiropractic in Puerto Rico . Along with being an incredible member of our LIFEforce team , he has practiced in Puerto Rico since 1996 , tremendously growing principled Chiropractic awareness on the island , along with his partner in life and practice , his wife Neia Diaz .
Sandra Elbaum , D . C . Virginia Board of Trustees member Dr . Sandy Elbaum , a 1990 graduate of Life University , has been in family practice since 1991 in Chester , Virginia with her husband and fellow Life U graduate Adam Elbaum , D . C . Along with representing many chiropractic organizations within Virginia and beyond , Dr . Elbaum is a Life U P . E . A . K . doctor , a State Alumni Representative for Life U , a LIFEforce doctor and a member of Life U ’ s President ’ s Circle . She was named Chiropractor of the Year in 1999 and 2007 by the Virginia Society of Chiropractic .
Kevin Fogarty , D . C .,
Chairman of the Board Florida Elected Board of Trustees Chairman in July 2015 , Dr . Kevin Fogarty has served on the Life U Board for almost eight years and is currently a postgraduate faculty member at the University . Dr . Fogarty is the owner of The Fogarty Chiropractic Life Clinic in Rockledge , Florida and serves as the chair of the Florida Board of Chiropractic , as well as being involved in many more chiropractic organizations and associations . He is a 1985 graduate of Palmer College of Chiropractic .
Aaron Gagnon , CPA Texas Board of Trustees member Aaron Gagnon , CIA , CPA , was elected to the Life U Board in July 2012 . He is a 1994 Accounting graduate of Kennesaw State University and is currently the Partner , Chief Audit Officer for McKinsey & Company .
Janell Gibson , M . S ., Chairman , Academic Affairs Committee Alabama Board of Trustees member Dr . Janell Gibson holds a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism from the University of Georgia , as well as a Master of Science in Psychology and Ph . D . in Conflict Analysis and Resolution from Nova Southeastern University . She brings more than 20 years of higher education administration experience to the Board . She is currently the Provost and Chief Academic Officer at Columbia Southern University .
Richard ( Rich ) Giuli , B . S . California Board of Trustees member Rich Giuli , a graduate of California Polytechnic State University – San Luis Obispo , is the Principle Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services . He is married to Life University graduate
Amie Bend , D . C . Both are the lead contributors to Life U ’ s Generations Wall project , which recognizes families that exemplify the passage of the Chiropractic torch down through their family members , generation to generation , helping to ensure the health of a nation .
John ( Jack )
Griesbaum , J . D . Florida Board of Trustees member Jack Griesbaum , a graduate of St . Mary ’ s University School of Law in San Antonio , Texas , is an experienced lawyer and judge , most recently serving as Brevard County Judge on the 18th Judicial Circuit Court in Florida . He was appointed to this position by former Governor Jeb Bush in 2000 and retired in January 2015 . He won many awards for his service to the state .
Jay Handt , D . C ., Chairman , Development and International Affairs Committees New York
Board of Trustees member Dr . Jay Handt , a graduate of New York Chiropractic College , is a founding member of LIFEforce and the New York Chiropractic Council , a New Beginnings board member and a partner in the InnerWinners Seminars . He has been an unwavering supporter of Life University ’ s President ’ s Circle and loves being a facilitator at LIFE
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