that butterflies are not only pretty , but they are also vital to our future . Currently , there has been a great decline in the butterfly population in Georgia . At least 75 % of the world ’ s plants require some type of pollinator — of which butterflies are an important one . With that in mind , Hambrick ’ s research project involves building a butterfly garden on the Life U campus and to helping repopulate the butterfly population in Georgia .
Hambrick ’ s most important lesson working on this project was the sustainability of butterflies and that they actually served a purpose in our environment . Her goal with this project is to help begin to restore their population and to bring awareness to others .
Abigail Bachman , Human Ecology Student , Dr . Stephanie Wakefield , Program Coordinator + Assistant Professor | Human Ecology Program , Research Chair
“ How do Biodegradable Plastics Effect Soil Quality ?”
Abigail Bachman ’ s project focuses on plastic waste because natural gases and oil are required to make plastic , which hurts the environment . Currently , most plastics end up in our ecosystems or landfills . Bachman said that one way we can help is by reducing the amount of plastics we purchase .
“ Many biodegradable products contain chemicals that speed up the amount of time it takes them to biodegrade . When you put a biodegradable product back in the environment , all those chemicals will then become part of the soil that they biodegrade in ,” said Bachman .
Bachman ’ s project involves using organic soil and three different types of biodegradable plastic bags . Each product listed that they were biodegradable on their packaging . Some even had certification seals . Using three separate containers , Bachman put in two inches of organic soil , then the bags and covered the bags with another layer of the organic soil . These containers will be kept in a greenhouse for six months , and then Bachman will do soil testing to see what , if any , chemicals have seeped into the soil from the plastic bags . Her objective is to learn if these products are truly “ green ,” or do these products contaminate the organic soil .
Destinee Rivera , Double Major : Biology & Human Ecology , Advisor Dr . Stephanie
Wakefield , Program Coordinator + Assistant Professor | Human Ecology Program , Research Chair
“ Campus Rainwater Garden ”
Rivera ’ s goal is to create a rainwater garden on the Life University campus , creating a green infrastructure by the Tree House . She will have six types of plants , including three types of flowers , two different types of shrubs and grass .
“ What the rainwater gardens do is that they catch the rain run-off from those grey and permeable surfaces , and they filter and drain the water out in less than 48 hours . You don ’ t have to worry about mosquitos laying eggs and producing . They drain the water and help recharge our ground water supply . It also helps filter out toxins and contaminants and pollutants so that way it doesn ’ t go back into our water source , like the Chattahoochee River or our ground water supplies .” said Rivera .
Rainwater gardens can be implemented anywhere and do not need to be close to a water source . These gardens can be incorporated in already existing infrastructures and not much tear down needs to happen . They are also easy and inexpensive to create . They just need to be cleaned out every so often . The one thing that is needed to build a rainwater garden is a natural depression where water can pool and collect .
“ My end goal in this project is to help Life University become a pioneer in urban sustainability and resiliency ,” said Rivera .
College of Online Education ( COE )
Dr . Maria Benzo , Master in Positive Psychology ( Graduated in Fall 2022 ), Advisors , Dr . Richard E . Shook , Assistant Professor , Psychology , CGUS , Dr . Peggy Samples , Assistant Professor of Psychology , COE
“ Training the Trainer , Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease ( COPD ) Coaching ”
Dr . Maria Benzo ’ s research project involves creating an online training program for health coaches to help their Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease ( COPD ) patients cope with their disease , using positive psychology techniques . Benzo ’ s area of expertise is COPD , and she is a medical doctor at the Mayo Clinic as a Research Associate in the Pulmonary Research Department . Benzo does health coaching for COPD and has a background in mindfulness and motivational approaches to therapy .
“ Everything we do from the lab is to empower patients , motivate patients and facilitate selfmanagement ,” Benzo said . “ I personally fell in love with positive psychology , so that is why I am bringing the science of positive psychology to what we do in the lab .”
Benzo ’ s first step in this research project was to find as much published information as possible regarding this topic . After finding and selecting the right content to use in her online training , the next step was to find a free online platform . Benzo then created a series of videos for health coaches . She then asked health coaches to sign up for her online program and watch her educational videos and take the quizzes she created that went along with the videos , allowing them to thoroughly review her content .
From this , Benzo received great feedback through two focus groups she hosted live online . Health coaches helped her improve her videos with such suggestions as creating stronger web design , putting herself on screen for longer periods to allow the health coaches to connect with her and what Benzo was sharing . The health coaches wanted to feel as though they had someone who was going through the program with them . Another key response Benzo received was that her PowerPoint slides needed consistency with the same theme throughout , allowing the learner to ease their way through the program .
From this research , Benzo will “ create this online training and have it available to all Life University students interested in applied positive psychology to access and go through the training .” Her research hypothesis is the following : Are health coaches able to gain the knowledge and confidence through this training to apply positive psychology in their health coaching sessions with COPD patients ? Secondly , do patients with COPD benefit from applied psychology health coaching ?
Dr . Benzo will have completed her research and graduate in December of 2022 .
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