Your Extraordinary LIFE 2021 | Page 50

CCR Looks to Tell Story of Chiropractic Through Impactful Research

A major goal of Life U ’ s Dr . Sid E . Williams Center for Chiropractic Research ( CCR ) is to conduct research of clinical significance . The CCR has numerous ongoing studies that are paving the way for collaboration with research institutions , shining new light on the benefits of Chiropractic and producing interventions that impact patient day-today lives in profound ways . The CCR is working to continue moving Chiropractic beyond a pain and disease-management perspective and further opening eyes to the many benefits that chiropractic care can have among special populations and in the development of optimal health .
The CCR ’ s recent shift to an overall comprehensive view of health and wellness , via the WHEEL ( Wellbeing and Health Expression Evaluation List ), has given the center the potential to present Chiropractic in a new way . The CCR ’ s Research Scientist in Neurophysiology Emily Drake states , “ We are giving Chiropractic a new voice . We are giving it a new story . We are not looking at pain … we are looking at functioning , performance , and health and wellness . If we continue with this [ comprehensive ] line of research , we are going to give Chiropractic a bigger story to tell .”
The following studies are just a sample of the work the CCR is conducting to further Chiropractic ’ s impact among individuals who might not otherwise turn to Chiropractic for treatment :
Evaluation of changes in autonomic balance following chiropractic care in patients with COVID-19 postviral syndrome — In collaboration with Dr . Lydia Knutson and Fred of Lydian Chiropractic , the CCR is studying individuals who have had COVID-19 and are experiencing prolonged symptoms , such as fatigue , headaches and other symptoms that make otherwise mundane tasks feel insurmountable . Although the study is in its infancy , participants are reporting remarkable results when receiving Axial Stability Method ( ASM ) chiropractic care for 12 weeks .
One 54-year-old participant of the study reports , “ After having COVID-19 and then being diagnosed with Post- COVID Syndrome , it seemed my life would never be the same . For nine months , the shortness of breath , fatigue , body aches , brain fog and memory loss made it difficult to make it through the day . I found that I had to take a break in between each activity , no matter how simple , and I also needed to lie down for a nap every afternoon . I could not do my job and had to take a medical leave . Participating in this study and getting treatment at Lydian Chiropractic has changed my life . It is incredible work , something I describe to family and friends as ‘ magic .’ The fatigue was gone after the first visit , the body aches , brain fog and memory loss healed soon after . Six weeks after starting treatment , I am now back to work , capable of doing what I love , and able to function fully as my Pre-COVID self . I am so grateful . Thank you !” Additional participant testimonials can be viewed at the Lydian Chiropractic website : www . lydianchiropractic . com / research . html .
Within the study ’ s current pre-pilot phase , the team is evaluating the research assessments and instruments they are using , such as heart-rate variability and balance assessments . This allows the researchers to observe how patients respond to care and understand the physiologic and neurophysiologic mechanisms that may be leading to the observed changes . The study will soon move on to the next phase , which will be a formal pilot clinical study .
The impact the CCR hopes to make with this study is the ability for individuals to return to their normal , pre-COVID quality of life , and to reach communities from a distance . Because of the collaboration with the Lydian Center , this study and its treatments are reaching individuals in both Marietta , Georgia and communities in Cambridge , Massachusetts .
Does chiropractic care change post-stroke activities of daily living ( ADLs ) and brain activation patterns ? — This 12-week , studentinitiated study examines the differences in response to chiropractic care among hemorrhagic vs . ischemic stroke patients released from rehabilitative care . Because of the differences in pathophysiology between ischemic
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