Your Extraordinary LIFE 2021 | Page 11


Life U Students are Serving Lasting Purpose Before Graduating

In 2021 , Life University instituted a new graduation requirement for all undergraduate and graduate students . Prior to graduation , each student must complete at least 10 hours participating in Serving Lasting Purpose ( SLP ) projects .
The requirement was inspired by the University ’ s guiding principle , Lasting Purpose : To live an inner-directed life , to give , to do , to love , to serve , out of your own abundance . “ Everyone — student , faculty and staff alike — has a duty to share their individual gifts with the world .”
“ We try to instill in our students a sense of duty to share their individual gifts with the world ,” Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr . Tim Gross explained . “ Life University ’ s undergraduate core curriculum focuses on five critical perspectives that embody Life U ’ s values . The core provides students with foundational courses in the areas of humanities , health and wellness , social sciences ,
science and mathematics . These critical perspectives dive deep into areas of emotional intelligence and wellness , global awareness , social inequality and integrative change . All are key elements of successful contribution as an engaged and informed citizen .”
SLP projects focus on community service and service learning , and they will be presented by academic areas on a rotating basis with at least one available each quarter .
“ Service learning is defined as a structured learning experience that combines community service with preparation and reflection ,” the College of Graduate and Undergraduate Studies core curriculum described . “ Service-learning hinges on a response to community-identified concerns , and students learn about the context in which service is provided , the connection between their service and their academic coursework , and their roles as citizens and professionals .”
In April 2021 , the Human Ecology degree program sponsored three SLP projects in honor of Earth Day : a “ privet pull ” to remove the invasive species on the banks of Rottenwood Creek , a tributary of the Chattahoochee River which runs through the
Life U campus ; a garbage pickup along the creek and trails ; and water quality monitoring as part of Cobb County ’ s “ Adopt a Stream ” water education program .
A campus cleanup event was also held in October and was once again organized by the Human Ecology program along with the Campus Recreation and Wellness Department . The turnout of faculty , staff and students for the Campus Cleanup event helped clear in excess of 50 pounds of trash from the creek , trails and parking lots on the Life U campus .
“ We are excited about introducing students to ways that they can have a positive impact on nature around them , especially in their communities . We can use the Life University campus as a living laboratory for increasing biodiversity , sustainability and resilience ,” Human Ecology professor Dr . Wakefield explained before the April programs . “ These events are a great opportunity to learn about positive environmental stewardship , as well as for Life U students to take care of the environment and be responsible for it , in a fun way .”
Alumni . LIFE . edu | 2021