Your Extraordinary LIFE 2019 2019 | Page 31



( L-R ): Dr . Jeremy Ungerank , Mrs . Vicki Hailey ( daughter of Dr . Ralph and Mrs . Wilma Ungerank ), Mrs . Wilma Ungerank , Dr . Greg Ungerank , Mrs . Bridget Tedder ( Daughter of Dr . Ralph and Mrs . Wilma Ungerank ) and Dr . Guy Riekeman .


This marker beside the Generations Wall gives onlookers a description of its significance to Life University and the chiropractic profession . to take care of people that my grandfather took care of and that uncles have taken care of . It ’ s definitely a privilege to have family that guided me into the profession .”
Drs . Michael and Greg each returned to Pocahontas to work with their father after graduating from LIFE .
Jeremy ’ s father , Kevin Ungerank , attended LIFE but did not graduate . Instead , he helped Home Depot expand from its first two stores into a national giant . He died in 1995 after tragically suffering a heart attack at age 35 .
Dr . Jeremy received his first adjustment on the day he was born . A high school football injury sealed his decision to follow in his family ’ s footsteps and attend Life University .
“ My Uncle Greg X-rayed my ankle to make sure it wasn ’ t broken . My brothers had to carry me into his office because I couldn ’ t walk ,” Dr . Jeremy remembered . “ And I was able to walk out of his practice after he worked on me , adjusted me and everything . And so that was kind of my goal from then on . I wanted to be able to do that for some kid someday , and I ’ ve been able to do that . It ’ s very rewarding .”
When it came to choosing a chiropractic program , Dr . Jeremy laughed and said , “ There was no question . There wasn ’ t looking at [ any ] other schools — [ LIFE ] was pretty much the only one for me .”
Dr . and Mrs . Ungerank had a true partnership , according to their sons and grandson . They were married for 47 years , until Dr . Ralph died in 2002 at the age of 72 .
Mrs . Ungerank died in September of this year , just days before Drs . Michael , Greg , and Jeremy were interviewed . She was 89 years old . Dr . Greg shared a story about a former patient who was reassured by Mrs . Ungerank when he arrived for his first appointment with Dr . Ralph .
“ He was so nervous , he sat down and talked to Mom before he saw Dad ,” Dr . Greg recalled . The patient later told Greg that the elder Ungeranks “ didn ’ t know how prolific they were going to be at producing chiropractors . Because he found out it ’ s not just us four boys and a grandson , but how many chiropractors in Northeast Arkansas are because of our parents .
“ It ’ s something to be proud of ,” Dr . Greg continued . “ We can be proud that we had a father that had the knowledge to go with the other chiropractors to help develop Life University , and also to give us the knowledge to do it . It makes you feel proud .”
Dr . Ralph Ungerank developed the Ungerank Specific Low Force Technique , which is still used by his sons and grandson , in addition to other doctors . In fact , it ’ s not uncommon for chiropractors to ask one of the Ungeranks for an adjustment at large gatherings , according to Dr . Greg .
Drs . Michael , Greg and Jeremy all emphasized that both LIFE ’ s philosophy and the University ’ s handson approach to teaching set it apart from other universities , chiropractic colleges and medical schools .
“ When I was in school down there , you learned how to adjust , you learned your philosophy and you learned your sciences . I ’ ve got friends that graduated from other chiropractic colleges that come to us and say , ‘ Hey ! Y ’ all got the technique . We got the Chiropractic degree , but we didn ’ t get the technique or the philosophy like y ’ all did .’”
Dr . Jeremy agreed , saying “ I tend to try to live how I speak , live from what I know and live from Chiropractic because it is such a big part of my life ,” he said . “ And it ’ s all the philosophy that I learned from LIFE — and from the family , of course .” Dr . Jeremy specifically mentioned the Lyceums ( now Fall CElebrations ) and philosophy classes he attended on campus .
All three Ungeranks emphasized that Life University is much more than a chiropractic school .
“ I ’ ve had several nieces that went to LIFE — not in the Chiropractic program , but in their other programs , especially the nutrition programs ,” Dr . Michael said . “ I know LIFE has a big influence in the Atlanta area , the Georgia area and all over the world . I think it ’ s been that vision that gives a lot of people reason to go to chiropractic college and [ gives ] people a reason to branch out into other fields , if they don ’ t want to be in a full-time practice or something . It gives them a lot of choices .”
“ It ’ s its own community ,” Dr . Jeremy explained . “ I know it ’ s grown since I ’ ve been there , but the whole campus was its own community within the community of Marietta , Georgia .”
At its core , Life University embodies its Lasting Purpose , according to Dr . Greg .
“ Basically , to Give , Love and Serve . That ’ s the basic principles of the philosophy ,” he said . “ If a person does that , I feel they ’ ll be a successful chiropractor .”
And perhaps a successful human being as well .
Alumni . LIFE . edu | 2019