Your EP Guide to Estonia 2014 | Page 10

Estonian is the official language with Russian is also widely spoken. Though some people only speak one of the two.

So if you are having a go at the local language (well done) and no one understands you, don't be disheartened. You may just be speaking the wrong language.

If people don't seem talkative with you, it is not because they hate you. Estonians are generally quiet and reserved by nature. So be prepared to put more effort in starting conversations when you first meet them.

Estonians are proud of their country and achievements. One of these achievements is Skype. It was an Estonian who developed Skype before it got investment by foreigners. Accept these things or face a heated debate.

“There are no foreign lands. It is the traveler only who is foreign.”

Robert Louis Stevenson

Words of Wisedom

From Past EPs

Have Fun

Be Brave

Try New Things

Be Open Minded

Share Your Culture


Be Prepared To Fall In Love With Eesti