Your Education High School Exchanges Brochure 2020 YOUR EDUCATION BROCHURE | Page 23

PROGRAMME DETAILS ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA To qualify to join a Your Education programme you need to be: Application process Step 1 ATTEND AN INFORMATION EVENING • Between the ages of 15 and 18 years at time of departure • Good physical and mental health • Independent and mature to adapt to an overseas environment • Currently enrolled in a New Zealand high school and a full-time student prior to your departure • Achieving or above in NCEA or equivalent • Fulfil the language requirements of your chosen destination (if applicable) Join one of our local Information Meetings or sign up for one our online meetings on our website. Step 2 APPLY Apply on our website HOW TO APPLY? Please complete the pre-application form on our website. A $50 non-refundable fee is payable upon acceptance. Our team will contact you on receipt of your pre-application form to start the full application process and to arrange your no-obligation interview. ACCEPTANCE Acceptance on a Your Education programme will depend on your application and academic results. Your interview will also be taken into consideration and acceptance will depend on your personal maturity, positive attitude and aspirations for going on an exchange. Once you have been preliminarily accepted you will receive a confirmation letter and our Booking Conditions. Once we have received all the documents supporting your application and the deposit payment of $1000 has been made we will assess your complete application and send it to your destination country for final acceptance and host family placement. PROGRAMME CLOSING DATES There are limited places on the programme, so early applications are encouraged. Please note the following application closing dates: January Departure: 1st September August Departure: 15th March December Departure: 1st September Note: Closing dates differ for departures to Japan. Please refer to the pricesheet or website. Late applications may be accepted depending on space availability. Should a late applicant be accepted onto the programme the full fees due and payable on that date will be required. A late fee of $1000 will apply. INSURANCE Your Education programmes include medical insurance. Coverage and provider varies depending on destination. Details are available to all students upon acceptance to the programme. Pre-existing conditions may incur an additional charge. CANCELLATION AND REFUND POLICY In the event of cancellation, Your Education reserves the right to retain fees as payment for costs already incurred. Cancellation fees are clearly outlined in our Booking Conditions. If at any stage Your Education cannot find a suitable placement the full amount paid will be refunded. Programme fees are not refundable after departure from New Zealand. PROGRAMME FEES The programme fee is paid in three or four instalments depending on programme length. The deposit is payable within 10 days of preliminary acceptance onto the programme. Further instalments are payable according to the payment schedule outlined in the Booking Conditions. Due to possible international currency fluctuations, changes in airline policy or any other factors beyond the control of Your Education, Your Education reserves the right to make any adjustments to any of its fees by no more than 10 percent. For programme fees to all destinations please see our website or the accompanying programme fee sheet. Step 3 INTERVIEW You and your parents will be invited to a no-obligation interview. At the interview we will discuss your school grades and expectations for your exchange. We will also answer any questions you may have. Step 4 ACCEPTANCE You will be notified within a week whether you have been accepted for an exchange. To confirm your acceptance you will need to sign the Booking Conditions and pay the $1000 deposit. Step 5 PREPARATION We will provide you with a thorough preparation process and guide you through the visa application, if applicable. Step 6 PRE-DEPARTURE ORIENTATION You and your parents will need to attend a Pre-Departure Orientation before your departure. Here you will meet other students and we will prepare you with all the necessary information for your exchange abroad. Step 7 DEPARTURE Your overseas adventure begins! We will meet you at the airport to make sure you check-in without any problems and wish you well for your trip! Step 8 ARRIVAL You will be met at your final gateway by your local area representative or your host family. 23