Your Diet and Depression The Depression Diet | Page 23

will also weaken your immune system and cause fatigue. On top of that, high sodium intake is linked to weight gain. Trans Fats Trans fats is the term for unsaturated fats that aren’t usually found in whole foods. They started becoming really popular back in the 1950s, when big companies began incorporating them in packaged baked goods, margarine, and various snacks. Trans fats are the most unhealthy fats that increase risks for heart disease, which is a high risk factor for depression (according to the National Institute of Mental Health, 33% of people who have had a heart attack suffer from depression) and other health problems. Refined Carbohydrates Refined carbs, including white starches, honey, syrup, sweets and various types of junk food have a really bad reputation, and for good reason considering that they are one of the leading causes of obesity. Since they’re noted for causing significant weight gain, many forget that they can also cause depression. Consuming refined sugars may taste good and make you feel great for 20 minutes, but after that, it’s only a matter of time before your blood glucose levels plummet and you end up with a sugar hangover. A sudden rise and fall in blood glucose levels may cause mood swings and sleep disorders. © 2019 20 | P a g e