Your Diet and Depression The Depression Diet | Page 12
14 Foods You Should Eat
Dark Leafy Greens
If you’re looking for the most nutrient-dense food in existence then look no further than
dark leafy greens. It doesn’t matter what you choose to eat; whether it’s Swiss chard,
kale, or spinach, they will all help you live a healthier life and support a healthy mind
and body.
Dark, leafy greens are known for fighting off all types of inflammation, which is great
news considering that severe depression is linked to brain inflammation.
Leafy greens are also notable for containing a huge amount of minerals,
phytochemicals, and vitamins A, C, E, and K.
Make sure to include tomatoes in your
menus and add slices to all sandwiches and
salads. The reason why tomatoes are so
good for your mental health is that they
contain alpha-lipoic and folic acids, both of
which are known for fighting depression.
According to a research published in the
Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience of McGill University, about a third of the people
suffering from depression also suffer from folate deficiency.
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