Your Chamber- Annual Report Annual Report 2017 Build- WEB | Page 31

2017 YOUR CHAMBER Angi Lund, Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce During 2016 the average monthly value of authorized construction increased 44.2% over the last year. This is largely attributed to the ongoing Capitol Renovation project (accounting for 75% of the total authorized construction value during the last quarter). Additional construction includes the Laramie County Community College Clay Path- fi nder building, the Starbucks on Yellowstone, the new Montessori School of Chey- enne and Laramie County School District #1 construction to name a few. Within the City of Cheyenne the number of single-family building permits fell over 54.4% from the third quarter of 2015 to the third quarter of 2016. The County, on the other hand, saw growth in residential building permits (15.2%). Ongoing home devel- opments include 165 single-family home sites in Thomas Heights and single-family homes in Crow Creek, with other developments expanding. The Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce made progress on major priorities relevant to community infrastructure during 2016 and continue to work on them. The goal is to reduce the burden on business, reduce barriers to entry and work on developing solutions to the problems, not just symptoms. Projects like the West Edge project, downtown revital- ization, road repairs and improvements, quality of life opportunities like Belvoir Ranch, are all initiatives the Chamber has a vital role in. Further, the Chamber is the primary economic development specialists working on the “Enhanced Use Lease” mixed-use development near I-25. * Data provided by the Wyoming Center for Business & Economic Analysis PAGE NUMBER - 31