Laramie County Clerk , Debra Lee was the featured speaker at the Women ’ s Leadership December Luncheon in 2016 . During the event , she shared her extraordinary stories abroad for most of her career . “ I am grateful to be from a country where I have this right [ to vote ] and these freedoms .” she shared and further stated , “ I had to go around the world to truly appreciate what was given to me at birth . And because of the courage , commitment and sacrifices of others , we have these freedoms .”
During the 2016 election the Greater Cheyenne Chamber of
Commerce hosted 6 political forums and 1 debate to help better inform voters . The featured photo is of the Mayoral Debate .
The Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce Action & Advocacy Committee conducted “ Reverse Endorsements ” during this year ’ s election cycle identifying pro-business candidates for the greater Cheyenne area , along with hosting other forums .
The Women ’ s Leadership Award presented by Woodhouse Roden Nethercott , LLC recipient was Renee Ashworth , Express Employment Professionals Owner ( featured in the center of the photo ). Fellow nominees included ; from left to right , Linda Goodman from Peak Wellness Center , Michele Bolkavatz from Blue Federal Credit Union , Lorrell Walter from Western Vista Credit Union , and Rhianna Brand from Grace for 2 Brothers . This award is conducted annually in partnership with the Women ’ s Entrepreneurs Roundtable .
What is Reverse Endorsement ?
Candidates running for office are requested to answer 10 questions in a survey format . To be endorsed , 8 of the answers must align with that of the pro-business and pro-economic development principals . Each election cycle the principals are identified by the Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce Action & Advocacy Committee and Board of Directors to reflect the priorities of the current business climate . Anyone is welcome to join the Action & Advocacy Committee and take part in the generation of the principals and candidate questions . This diverse group of business professionals on the committee focuses on current issues and barriers for business . A pro-business environment can result in overall community growth . Therefore , having policy makers who not only understand economic development , but believe it , are vital . Having pro-business elected officials ensures a strong workforce , improved infrastructure and positive conditions to start , operate and build business .
Learn more about Action & Advocacy by contacting Jody McMullan , Director of Partner Relations at ( 307 ) 638-3388 or email jodym @ cheyennechamber . org .