Your Chamber- Annual Report Annual Report 2017 Build- WEB | Page 17
J.R. Reskovac is the Wyoming Wrangler Consultant.
He visits the greater Cheyenne area annually and this year he
was introduced to Little Bear Inn. Here is a photo capturing
his experience.
Any community member who wants to be
a part of the Wyoming Wranlger efforts
is welcomed. There are opportunities to
invest in this level of advocacy at any time.
Wyoming Wranglers also encourages
those who want to have a strong influence
on the future of the greater Cheyenne area
to participate in the Annual Washington,
D.C. Fly-In. It is an opportunity to go
as a collective group and meet with
elected officials and agencies, discuss
the priorities and next steps to ensure
economic development and growth.
Leveraging federal funding for long-term
results is critical and this is the opportunity
to engage at that level.
Become a Wrangler today!
Learn more by visiting with Jody McMullan,
Director of Partner Relations
Call: (307) 638-3388
E-mail: [email protected]
and sustainable funding for the Regulatory Accountability Act and tax code, lowering corporate tax
Highway Trust Fund, ensuring full repealing midnight regulations rates, switching to a territorial
funding for our aviation and water such as the BLM’s Venting and system, ensuring neutrality, and
systems, eliminating wasteful Flaring and Planning 2.0 rules, promoting certainty.
spending and reforming the the Blacklisting rule, the Stream permitting process. Buffer rule, and OSHA’s Volks rule,
Trade: The U.S. Chamber believes
among others. in free and fair trade agreements
deserve a working regulatory Tax Reform: The U.S. Chamber the 95% of the world’s consumers
system that is fair for everyone, is committed to comprehensive who live outside our borders.
takes into account the views of reforms to the American Our priorities include educating
communities and businesses, tax system that will attract President Trump on the benefits of
evaluates the impact rules will international investment, the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP),
have on jobs and small businesses, encourage innovation, foster promoting the Transatlantic Trade
and protects our economic and economic growth and job and Investment Partnership (TTIP),
personal freedoms. The U.S. creation, and increase American and modernizing NAFTA.
Chamber’s priorities for regulatory global competitiveness. Our top reform include passing the priorities include simplifying the
Regulatory Reform: Americans
that will help our country sell to