“Young professionals! Say no to bullies!!!”         an insignificant success; a person who makes use of others and treats them as the source of benefits and information; a person who ingratiate himself/herself with others so as to make use of their competences, information, contacts A person who has a strong need for control and power A person who has a strong need for simulation and is bored with monotonous working environment – in order to get excited and ‘have some action’ such a person hurts other people, such a person also likes gossiping, and often creates rumours on his/her own so as not to be bored A person who experiences strong feelings of insecurity and anxiety, which can be diminished only if other people are made to feel insecure and anxious: cowardice and uncertainty about his/her reputation An unqualified person, aware of his/her low competences – feels threatened to have his/her low competences revealed which will result in being fired; for this reason such a person chooses to disclose the incompetence and lack of knowledge of other people; such a person feels threatened by qualified, well-trained and skilled colleagues A person who is ambitious and eager to rule not because of his/her competences and management skills, but because of the willingness to feel superior and better than others A person who displays high levels of aggression, is impulsive and impetuous, the person who does not reflect on his/her behaviour but prioritizes his/her goal, the person who is guided by being envious of other people’s competences, skills, properties and affection A person who is unnaturally kind, apologetic and ingratiating, yet aggressive and fierce, the person who is unpredictable A person who is sociable, physically and interpersonally attractive, able to attract other people’s attention and ingratiate himself/herself with them, and subsequently making use of the gained trust by mobbing weaker people and persuading others to mob People prone to mobbing             A person who stands out from the others with the appearance, viewpoints, or behaviour A person who is talented, competent, skilled, outstanding, successful, conscientious and hard-working which pose a threat to the mobber A person who is kind, respected and liked and thus posing a threat to the mobber A person who is honest, frank, trustworthy and looking for the truth A person who is young, well-qualified / well-trained, who knows foreign languages, A person who is the first to be asked for advice in an important matter A person who is creative, expansive and with initiative – the person who is predisposed to be successful A person at pre-retirement age who professionally performs his/her tasks but because of his/her age does not fit in a young team; such a person may become the victim of mobbing practices and consequently be forced to resign A sensitive person, a bit naïve, prone to manipulation, having an optimistic approach, unsuspecting the trickery behind other people’s actions A person who clearly expresses his/her opinions and beliefs, even if they are unpopula r and may cause objections and aversion of other people A person who protects his/her colleagues, willing to do a lot, even at his/her own expense, in order to fight for the rights of others A person who has detected irregularities in the functioning of the company A person who has been given a promotion 7 'Informational and workshop guide for mobbing, discrimination and sexual harassment'