“Young professionals! Say no to bullies!!!” Image Generalized beliefs about the group (stereotypes) >>>> attitudes based on stereotypes and feelings (prejudice) >>>> behaviours towards people belonging to a stereotyped group (discrimination) Discrimination is the consequence of stereotypes and prejudice Stereotypes Stereotypes are the opinions and beliefs amongst a particular group about other social, or cultural groups. These beliefs are based on ignorance, unfamiliarity with a particular group, and may arise from a singular encounter with a member of one group. Stereotypes are usually harmful generalizations about a group of people. Stereotypes occur and remain when the differences between groups are significant. Characteristics of stereotypes:    They are simplistic – they simplify the world (short terms, trivial descriptions) – Germans are like that; Italians like this and that; women can…; They are common, well-known, passed on the generations. Even if we do not believe in them, we all know them; They contain generalizations – very general opinion about one person who belongs to a particular group is to reflect the opinion about the whole group, and vice versa All of us use stereotypes. It is our nature to simplify the surrounding world and the stereotypes definitely help us to achieve that. However, the world is not simple and using the information about one person in reference to somebody else may be very erratic. Prejudice The second step on the way to discrimination is prejudice – negative attitudes towards a particular group of people, or a member of this group. Prejudice is based on stereotypes and have emotional content such as feelings towards a particular social group (regardless of being familiar, or unfamiliar with this group). Prejudice is the tendency to create preconceptions based only on the fact that somebody belongs to a particular group. It may result in discrimination – uneven treatment – which may present itself in a variety of ways such as harming, refusal, violence. Discrimination at work usually manifests itself in one of the following ways:      Refusal of employment Refusal of promotion Refusal of further training and development of professional skills Denial of the rights entertained by other employees (for example a leave) Unfair remuneration caused by somebody’s belonging to a particular group 11 'Informational and workshop guide for mobbing, discrimination and sexual harassment'