YDA Annual Report – 2012 / 2013
YDA Youth Club runs 2 times per month ; at Stoke Mandeville and at Eastside ( except in August ). Entry fee for both Youth Clubs is £ 2 which includes entry and refreshments .
From September 2013 Youth Club will be held once a month at ‘ Green Street Youth Space ’ instead of Eastside which will enable YDA to have all age groups together . There are 2 large rooms which can be used ( for example for Under 11 ’ s one room for ‘ Arts and Craft ’ and one room with space for playing ). There is also a Common Room for Over 11 ’ s ; Snooker , TV , Rest Area etc . The kitchen area will be utilised for members to learn how to bake cakes etc . We hope the new Club venue will be successful and we need feedback from parents on this . The monthly all age group at Stoke Mandeville will also continue .
WEBSITE Please visit our website www . YDA . org . uk - there are two sections to the website – one for parents and one for children / young members .
MEETINGS There are 3 Management Meetings held per year , 3 Trustee Meetings per year and 2 or 3 Budget Meetings per year to organise and regulate all our activities .
ACTIVITIES I organised various activities throughout the year from August 2012 to Easter 2013 inclusive :
Chocolate Factory Madam Tussauds Wax Museum Coral Reef Bojangles Thorpe Park Laser Game
Plus 6 holiday activities ( based in SMC School ).
Xmas Pantomime – there were 2 separate shows last December – one in Aylesbury and one in High Wycombe . This year there will be one show in High Wycombe – ‘ Snow White ’ on the 9 th December at 1.30pm . More details on this will be in the next Newsflash .
All of our past activities were fantastic and well enjoyed by all who attended .