Young Classics (April. 2014) | Page 7

do you have true friends?


•“Groups and organizations” [PPT] Published by Gabriela Ruiz. Recovery April 24, 2014,

•Freeman, Lisa. "Abuse Bites Bullying Statistics and Facts". Abuse Bites & A Time To Heal. 2012. Doodlekit™ Free Website Maker. April 24. 2012 <>

By: Marcela Rodríguez

44% where pressured to lie, steal of cheat. 160,000 kids miss school every day for fear of being bullied. 1 teen dies every 30 minutes in the United States from bullying & bullycide. These are some examples of statistics about what can peer pressure make, and some consequences, because nowadays it is very usual that because of that, people pressure you to bully other people, even if you don’t want to do it. They say phrases as “If you want to be our friend you need to do it”, and this kind of phrases not only are said when bullying occurs, but also in stealing things, get involved in drugs, smoking and all the other problems I mentioned before. They use the force and threats to persuade you to do it. They abuse of their “power” over you to pressure. But no one can do it. No one have that power to decide over you.

To know if you form part of a healthy group you need to observe the behaviors of the other members of the group. If they make your opinion count, and doesn’t try to involve you in dangerous things, if they respect you, and are loyal. That are some of many signs of good relationships in groups that will bring benefits to your life. And remember, no one can abuse of you. You are owner of your decisions, and you can say NO when needed. Say no to peer pressure, say no to bullying and groupthink. Focus on the true people that loves you for what you are who will bring happiness, and not problems and pain.

How to know it.