Young Classics (April. 2014) | Page 12

want to reach the real freedom?

Freedom for me is the first and most important thing on a person because is what makes you feel strong enough to be yourself, it sets you free to do whatever you want without no restrictions unless you affect other people because “your freedom ends where the other one begins” and that saying has been all around my life like for the last 5 years because people say “YOLO” or all that things like we are young and that but you can do it it’s like it’s your problem not mine but in the moment that you problem affects me, that’s the moment when I can say something because you are affecting my freedom and that’s something that you can’t do because it’s MY freedom not yours so you have to be cautious to all the things that you do.

By: Luis Wah

“Freedom is the right and capacity of people to determine their own actions, in a community which is able to provide for the full development of human potentiality. Freedom may be enjoyed by individuals but only in and through the community.”

( "Fr." Glossary of Terms:. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2014.)

This text I selected because it’s the truth, your freedom is expressed in the choices you make and in the human potentiality that you have not only on the thinking of “wow im free” it has responsibilities to be accomplished and things that need to be done in order for you to be completely free.

“The power to determine action without restraint.”

("Freedom.", n.d. Web. 21 Apr. 2014.)

When we achieve freedom since the moment we are born because in the world the opposite of freedom is slavery and that is prohibited in more than ¾ of the world which is good but when we are free we also have the ability of “choices” which are the ways that you can do things if you want to, but this carry out a responsibility and that is a heavy thing if what you are going to do has to do with other persons because what you do will affect them and in that moment your freedom ends because their freedom starts and you have no rights over them! So in conclusion freedom is that you can do whatever you want but in the moment that you start affecting others you have to stop and do it in another way that you don’t affect others.

Freedom is actually the best way to secure your happiness because for me it’s like something really especial for me and for my person because I know what I can do and what I can’t do because of rules.


Gammon, Katharine. "What is freedom?. "Livescience. June. 2012. May 02, 2014