YOU CAN MAGAZINE Volume 2 | Page 62

1 . I can be indecisive and fearful ; as a result , chances often pass me by .
2 . I tend to start projects with great gusto , but have difficulty finishing them .
3 . My financial situation is chronically chaotic .
4 . My actions often jeopardize my relationships , my job and / or my financial stability .
5 . I worry a lot about what others think of me .
6 . I tend to give in to compulsive behaviors such as overeating , drinking or other unhealthy activities .
7 . I seem to be always struggling .
8 . I ’ ve been told I have a problem expressing anger appropriately .
9 . I often put off the things I need and want to do . Procrastination and reliability are problems for me .
10 . I ’ m still not living the life I truly want , and I ’ m starting to lose hope that I ever will .
11 . When I really want to do something , I frequently have the thought that I can ’ t or shouldn ’ t do it .
12 . My relationships tend to fall apart , or I stay in unhealthy relationships .
13 . When I think about working out , I immediately start thinking about all the other things I “ should ” be doing instead . Exercise rarely wins .
14 . I ’ m often late to work and late with assignments ; this has hurt my career .
15 . It takes me a long time to find documents I need .
16 . I avoid confrontation and / or fawn over others in order to be liked and win their favor .
17 . I repeatedly make self-deprecating , belittling comments about myself .
18 . I know I have the potential to do more with my life , if I could just get out of my own way .

Let ’ s Discuss .

If you said yes to more than three questions then you are probably guilty of self sabotage . The good news is that you have realized it and maybe the quiz above helped to point out exactly what might be holding you back in your life . Congratulate yourself for this . Many people go through life never knowing or never admitting that they are self saboteurs and their self-growth is stunted .

What ’ s Next :

It is time to ask yourself if you want to do something about it . First circle 3-5 patterns that you feel are the most damaging to you and get to work on recognizing when you are partaking in such patterns . When you catch yourself , stop and remind yourself that what you are doing is not advancing you . Being mindful of your actions is a key step in stoping damaging behaviors . After you have keyed in on the 3-5 , repeat these steps with the rest of the patterns .
Remember , there are many resources such as books , life coaches and other life focused professionals , that can help you determine the root of defeating behaviors and help you on your journey to productive and beneficial behaviors .
It ’ s not easy to change self-sabotaging patterns overnight , but with time and practice — and a good dose of self-love — it is possible to end a selfdefeating cycle and live the life you truly want .
You ’ ve got this !
TL Williams , Certified Life Coach
