YOU CAN MAGAZINE Vol 6 | Page 22

4. Poor Sleep. One-third of your life is spent sleeping. This is important time when your body and brain need to detox and restore. Sleep is vital to every aspect of health. Good sleep promotes good health, and poor sleep contributes to a weakened immune system and inflammation. Quality sleep is the single most important thing you can do to improve your health. Besides, you always feel better after a good night’s sleep. 5. Stress. Chronic, psychological stress lowers the body’s ability to regulate inflammatory response. Inflammation can promote the development and progression of disease. Scary stuff! Find 5 minutes, twice a day, to just sit quietly. You can pray, meditate, or do yoga. Amazingly, even if you do not think you are doing it right or getting any benefit, you are. “…One-third of your life is spent sleeping. This is important time 6. Not Eating the Rainbow. What you eat directly affects the health of your skin and its appearance. Humans are designed to be omnivores, with a preference for plant foods — indicated by our long intestinal tracts. Studies show that our bodies function optimally with 1.5% of a small portion of our diet in the form of animal foods and the rest from plants (Wu GD, 2016). Shockingly, Americans get well over 50% of their calories from animal products. when your body and brain need to detox and restore.” Eat more antioxidant rich foods. Antioxidants can neutralize free radicals, turning them from an unstable  particle that can  damage healthy cells, into a stable particle that is harmless. Colorful fruits and vegetables provide powerful antioxidants, polyphenols, flavonoids and other chemical compounds that each work to fight free radicals in their own way and make your skin happy.