YOLO Magazine 16 pages | Page 8

8 Magazine/April, 2013

New media change our way of life and changed our way of thinking.

A new generation is born with digital and new media. IN a Bad or a good way? Is it important?

I think It is important to know how and why it change and then to get use to this way of life and deal in the best way with it.

New media is nowadays give us a lot to debate and argue. For me it bring us lot a good thing, for example a fast way to communicate with the world, a fast way to have knowledge from every specific subject, and huge creative possibilities regarding Arts (specially our field) and all technological project you can have.

But New media also have serious issue regarding real information (it is going so fast that you sometimes don't step back from what you read or see) also for me it brings a feeling of insecurity. For example regarding the new social network children sometimes don't know who they are talking to. People sometimes create avatars or falsify they profile to a bad aim sometimes.

More over anything you put on internet is public and you can't vanish it. It is harder and harder to protect a work or a project if it is put on the web.

In one hand I definitely think that Internet got limits and security is one of the issue in an other hand, it is now essential for artist to share, or show through these network to be seen and known.

Make a "buzz" on the net is now the new way of communicate.

Mass media, such as mass consumerism let us forgot about the other and leave more space to the "I".

In "humanism of the other",Emmanuel Levinas go further "the coincidence with self in conscienceless where,since Descartes, being is, shows itself to Others (and, after the fact, to the subject itself) as played or worked by impulses, influences, a language that composes a mask called a person, someone or no one. (la personne ou personne)"