I decided to create a 'social box'.
I decided to create an interactive installation composed by several boxes. The first one direct include the spectator as a part of the installation in making the audience activated the 'social box' message. That means the the box is talking to them directly. Then the box invite them to take a Selfie. This action in this installation is reminding all these social network platform where you can find lots of Portrait of people taking a picture of themselves trying to make a pose to look like gorgeous. I wanted people step forward and make fun of this Selfies attitude. As the picture is not digital people can't delate it.
Then I propose to the audience to write their phone number and to pick an other selie in the box.
Then I want them to pick up a question and to send it to the selfie they pick up in the box.
After that They wait. the person who receive the text might not be in the space of the installation anymore but that is what I like here, is that this machine never stop and the performance as well.