Our Results!
Monica, our friend here in Honolulu, is 34 years old and was 62
pounds overweight when we started our Yoga Burn review 3 months
For our review, Monica has not changed anything about her lifestyle
or eating habits and only followed the Yoga Burn system to the letter.
Although Ellie and I are already fit and slim, but we accompanied
Monica and did all of the exercises together every other day for 3
The goal was to get Monica on a path to significantly reduce her 62
pounds of extra weight. Have we succeeded?
Important: When you start working out, you are going to lose some
weight (fat) but also gain some weight (muscles) at the same time!
Since muscles are denser than fat, you can get heavier at first before
you start getting lighter. So don’t be discouraged! Building up
musculature is good and we don’t mind the weight it adds to our
bodies. It is the fat we are trying to get rid of!
After the first month, Monica had lost around 10 pounds, which is
perfectly fine given that she didn’t change her eating habits at all and
built some muscle mass along the way.
After the second month, she was down by 22 pounds overall and her
muscles were getting noticeably more firm.
Yoga Burn Review 2018